It turns out money can buy happiness and it comes in the form of a Canon 40D digital SLR. Meet "Black Mambo," the newest member of my family. She is dark, sleek and shoots everything in sight with no remorse. True salvation for this girl, who limped around with an old Kodak point and shoot attempting to document my firstborn's first year. I think the mother should receive a nice gift on her child's first birthday... after all, who did all the work in that situation? Sure, Jude cut a tooth here and there, grew to three times his original size, but still. I made & raised a tiny little man so I bought myself a camera to celebrate me. Now the real fun starts.

Here I am opening my, "birthday gift" which arrived at 8 pm on Jude's birthday. I. Hate. FedEx.

I took over 200 pictures in the first 24 hours of unwrapping my present. This is dangerous, I'm going to have to build a library for all of Jude's photo albums.