One of the projects that did get crossed off was Raya's birth CD, which is done. (I blacked out her middle name on the cover since it's still a secret). I made one for Jude's birth and didn't listen to it until after he was born, but still love the compilation of songs that I chose during that time in my life and how it makes me feel to revisit it. I'm hoping I can actually use this CD as intended, to help relax and distract me during labor. I will be attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) this time, after finding a supportive doctor and hospital. So I may rather use this precious little CD as a ninja star throwing device, we'll see how it all works out.

So, I figured I would post a last pregnancy picture because I'm convinced I cannot get any bigger than I am now and I'm hoping this will be it for the belly pics. My friends have nicknamed me The Torpedo, I'm sure no explanation is necessary. Luckily I have my 50mm lens on so the camera is sharp and I'm a little blurry... which I think works out quite nicely in this situation. I feel like a celebrity when out in public because everyone, and I mean everyone, wants to come and ask me questions about how incredibly large I am. Is it triplets? Are they overdue by a week? How are you standing without tipping over? And my personal favorite comment: Look at how you're carrying all up front, that's a boy! And after 6 ultrasounds I can pretty much say no, it isn't. And you know why else it isn't? Because I've got more invested emotionally and financially to ever make that switch, thank you very much. What can I say, this kid better like feminine clothes and decor either way. Rhys said we can simply remove the last "a" in Raya's name that hangs above her crib, if it's a boy. Problem solved, man-style.

So here is another project crossed off my list: Jude's alphabet book. This idea came from Emily who is mentioned in nearly every blog entry of mine, because that's just how much she watercolors my life. It took two nap sessions in which I snuck in after Jude was asleep and gently removed his favorite buddy, Monkey, from his grasp. I took pictures of Monkey representing each letter of the alphabet and had a book printed from Jude loves it and I'm proud to have something as a keepsake for him that captures this particular time in his life in such a unique way. It also gives Monkey a true personality, which apparently is silly with slightly sarcastic undertones.

i am just sobbing over here, carrie. what an amazing book. i hope you cherish every second you have with that sweet boy - in a couple weeks, all hell is going to break loose. (but don't worry, it's a pretty cool hell.)
love ya.
That book is AMAZING! If I ever have kids I'm stealing that idea. I'm so glad you included my all time fave pumpkins song on your CD. If getting a second dog is just a smidge of what it's going to be like to have a second kid all I can say is good luck! Can't wait to see pics of Raya Sunshine Pomodora!
Maybe it's just me but I find that monkey kind of hot and sexy, in a freakishly muppet kind of way! :) LOL.
No seriously, your book and the heartfelt work you put into it for Jude is simply an inspiring, touching work of art! What a wonderful gift you made for him! One he can cherish and pass on to his own kids someday. Just beautiful and nicely done! I love how you worked so diligently on it and made sure to have it done before Raya's arrival and before your world with him does change.
You're such an amazing mom (and person). Your life may rock the boat in the coming months but it's going to be an adventure that you'll cherish and that will invigorate your family to greater depths.
Best of luck with that VBAC and with Raya's arrival. Your own little A to Z book is getting a volume two and I can't wait to see that book in the coming years! :)
Middle name's a secret?! Not fair! :P
...though I must give a shoutout to you Carrie, for putting Guitar for G! You're my hero now :) Prayers and blessings and all that other good stuff for your delivery; my whole family's rooting for ya!
that is the most darling thing ever! I think I want to have another baby so I can make them a book like this! You are so creative! Jude is one lucky little boy to have such a special mommy!!
Am I so behind or WHAT??
Still crying, by the way. And now, to see YOUR lovely book.... it's just keeping me emotional. I adore it. ADORE it. And your torpedo belly. And your inspiring words to Jude in the dedication.
And also, can I have a copy of that CD??? I'd LOVE to know your musical tastes better. :)
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