I've had a few requests to start a movie review on my blog since I'm such a film fanatic. I see a Tuesday matinee by myself every week (heaven!) and we watch about 15 DVDs a month. I'd like to just have a Movie Recommendation List instead, with a very brief comment on each. Okay I guess that's technically a movie review, but I'm not going to include bad films unless they are REALLY bad and I feel the need to vent about it. There are so many mediocre movies out there, I'd be on here all day.
In my opinion these are all little gems that are worth a watch.
Last Chance Harvey~ This is such a sweet little film, it is innocent and honest and makes you feel great about the deep connections you find with the most unexpected people in your life. The speech Harvey gives during his daughter's wedding had me crying and crying... if you know me well, you'll know why.
The Reader~ This one is rich and deep, about two people who have a strange loving bond for their entire lives based on just a short amount of time they spent together when they were young. It's amazing. And it's Kate Winslet, you can't go wrong.
Iron Man~ What a shocker this one was. Yeah I know, it's old news but I have a kid, remember? There was a handful of months in which I never rented a DVD (gasp!). But this was one of those movies I loved so much that I spent another couple hours watching the second "extra features" disc. My jaw was on the floor just about the entire time. I was expecting another Transformers or Hulk, but no! This one has style, sensitivity and heart. It just
so happens to also have robots.
Henry Poole is Here~ A surprisingly perfect little indie film that experiments with faith and religion. It's perfect no matter which side of the God fence you find yourself on.
Vicki Cristina Barcelona~ Oh my word. This is the best road trip with your girlfriends you'll ever go on.
Hi! We saw Gran Torino this weekend. Have you seen it? I really liked it. I still need to see Slumdog and Rev Road.
i just watched vicky christina barcelona last night. while i thought scarlett johannsen's performance was flat (as usual), javier bardem and penelope cruz were stunning (as usual). ahhh how i love javier bardem, le sigh! ;)
i was a big fan of ironmen too. i really like the comic book character movies they've done as of late. i can't wait for the watchmen to be released!
Pretty much, I love you. I don't have time to watch all of these movies!!! Into my Netflix queue they go - maybe I'll get to them in a few years :P Thanks for the suggestions :)
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